Pe 28 august 2020, plecarea din Bucuresti, de la o temperatura de 37 de grade Celsius, s-a soldat cu o sosire in UK, la cca 12 grade Celsius, pe o ploaie rece si un vant puternic. Cam … rece primire, am putea spune! 😀 …  Si sincer, nu a fost doar atat. Au fost mult mai multe momente in care ne-a fost greu, in care indoielile si grijile nu ne-au lasat sa zambim sau sa dormim. A fost greu si uneori mai este inca, dar pana la urma nicaieri nu e perfect. Nici in tara natala, nici in tara asta sau in alta. Peste tot sunt si bune si rele, avantaje si dezavantaje. Dar daca tot am luat aceasta decizie, ne-am ambitionat sa reusim si sa ne facem viata frumoasa si ne-am construit-o ca pe un joc de lego, piesa cu piesa. Doar ca piesele au fost clipe fericite, zile incantatoare si zambete relaxate. Toate ne dau satisfactia prezentului si viitorului. Nu ne-am dorit prea multe atunci cand am plecat, ci doar sa avem o viata in care stresul sa nu mai fie un membru activ al familiei noastre si sa ne amintim de noi si de faptul ca timpul nu ne este prieten. Pe langa asta, statul in natura, descoperirea unor locuri uimitoare, sansa de a cunoaste oameni noi si minunati, ne-au redat increderea in noi, posibilitatea de a ne bucura de lucruri simple si de a fi in permanenta preocupati de noi si de felul in care traim.

Asadar, astazi sarbatorim implinirea celor 2 ani si va dorim si voua tuturor, tot ceea ce ne dorim si noua, adica sa descoperiti bucuria de a trai, placerea de a iubi si increderea ca nimic nu este imposibil!

Happy Birthday to us! 2 years of UK!

On August 28, 2020, the departure from Bucharest, from a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, resulted in an arrival in the UK, at about 12 degrees Celsius, in a cold rain and a strong wind. Kind of… cold welcome, we could say! 😀 …  And honestly, it wasn’t just that. There were many more moments when it was difficult for us, when doubts and worries did not let us smile or sleep. It was hard and sometimes it still is, but in the end it’s not perfect anywhere. Not in our native country, not in this country or another. Everywhere there are good and bad, advantages and disadvantages. But if we still made this decision, we were ambitious to succeed and make our life beautiful and we built it like a lego game, piece by piece. It’s just that the pieces were happy moments, delightful days and relaxed smiles. They all give us the satisfaction of the present and the future. We didn’t want much when we left: only to have a life where stress is no longer an active member of our family and to remind ourselves and the fact that time is not our friend. Besides that, being in nature, discovering amazing places, the chance to meet new and wonderful people, restored our confidence in ourselves, the possibility to enjoy simple things and to be constantly concerned about ourselves and the way in way we live.

So, today we are celebrating our 2nd anniversary and we wish you all, everything that we wish for ourselves, that is to discover the joy of living, the pleasure of loving and the confidence that nothing is impossible!

La multi ani, noua! 2 ani de UK!

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